• Preserving Joint Functionality

    Joint preservation surgeries aim to maintain or restore the integrity of joints, particularly in younger individuals with early-stage joint damage or conditions. These procedures focus on delaying or preventing the need for more invasive interventions such as joint replacement. Techniques include osteochondral grafting, microfracture surgery, and autologous chondrocyte implantation, among others. By addressing underlying issues like cartilage defects or ligament injuries, joint preservation surgeries strive to prolong joint health and mobility, enabling patients to maintain active lifestyles and potentially avoid or delay more extensive surgical interventions.

  • Enhancing Active Lives: Benefits of Joint Preservation Surgeries

    Joint preservation surgeries are especially beneficial for athletes and individuals with active lifestyles, as they offer the opportunity to sustain joint function and mobility while minimizing the impact of degenerative conditions. These procedures often involve minimally invasive techniques, resulting in shorter recovery times and reduced risk of complications compared to traditional open surgeries. By preserving the native joint structures and function, these surgeries aim to optimize long-term outcomes and quality of life for individuals affected by joint-related issues.

Diverse Strategies: Joint Preservation Techniques

Exploring Methods to Sustain Joint Health and Mobility

  • Osteochondral Grafting for Cartilage Repair and Regeneration
  • Microfracture Surgery to Stimulate New Cartilage Growth
  • Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation for Cartilage Restoration
  • Stem Cell Therapy to Promote Joint Tissue Regeneration
  • Ligament Reconstruction to Stabilize and Support Joint Function
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Joint Tissue Healing and Regeneration

PRP Therapy: Advancing Joint Regeneration

Platelet-Rich Plasma's Therapeutic Potential in Orthopedics

  • Utilizes Concentrated Platelets to Foster Joint Healing
  • Facilitates Growth Factor Release for Tissue Repair
  • Mitigates Inflammation and Alleviates Joint Pain
  • Non-invasive Intervention for Joint Regeneration
  • Enhances Joint Functionality and Mobility in Degenerative Conditions

Key Beneficiaries: Importance of Joint Preservation

Identifying Individuals Who Stand to Gain Most

  • Athletes: Maintains Performance and Extends Career Longevity
  • Young Adults: Preserves Joint Health for Active Lifestyles
  • Individuals with Early Joint Damage: Prevents Progression
  • Those Averse to Major Surgery: Offers Non-invasive Alternatives
  • Patients Seeking Long-term Mobility and Quality of Life

Why People Choose Us?

Exemplifying Surgical Excellence and Academic Leadership in Orthopedics

  • Advanced Qualifications: Holds MS in Orthopedics, DNB Orthopaedics, and MBA
  • Specialized Fellowships: Extensive training in arthroplasty, arthroscopy, and Orthorheumatology
  • Academic Excellence: Presents at conferences on complex orthopedic cases
  • Surgical Proficiency: Demonstrates success in joint replacements and trauma surgeries
  • Patient-Centered Care: Prioritizes precision and patient well-being in treatments

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Dr. Bushu Harna-orthopedic surgeon
Dr. Bushu Harna

Orthopedic Surgeon

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